Thursday, September 18, 2014

Prayer is a picture of how one is at heart; it is out pouring of one’s spirit and
letting everything within you know to God. In 1Samuel chapter 1: 13 it reads
“Hannah was praying in her heart and her lips were seen moving but her voice
was not heard”. Hannah was praying from her heart not her mind. She never
proved her eloquence of speech (1Chorintians Chpter 2 v 1). Her heart was
opened for God and her prayer was heard.
Prayer is not about words but by an expression from within you. God is a spirit
and He being a spirit we worship Him in spirit and in truth not by the mind .JESUS
said “your
lips are saying one thing yet your hearts are too far from that which u say.”
Here JESUS was teaching or saying that people should commit their
spirits to GOD when they are praying because it is not by the words but by what
is printed in their hearts as they pray.
It is not that GOD does not answer our prayers but the problem with
us saints is that when we pray we do it double minded (James 5v13),
meaning the mind says one thing that is different from that which is in the spirit.
; a person who ever pray like that does not receive anything
from GOD. However God does not chooses prayers he would answer but when
we pray for something that is not in our hearts God will not hear it because when
we pray that way, we are praying a prayer that is not in the spirit(heart).
(The minds need to submit to the sprit/heart always). If one is struggling within
Himself/herself that person will have a hard time in having his prayers answered.
When God is answering prayers He just look at the heart and find what is printed
there and that which is printed in the heart is the very thing that God will answer
to,no man can mock GOD. The words that we use when we pray are not the ones
that move GOD but the state of our hearts moves God. Sometimes one can be
surprised why things are happening so easily in his/her life which he/she has
never prayed for; the reason why that is happening is that prayer is not just
the spoken words but it is the desires that dwells within our hearts thus GOD
fulfil those desires because He dwells in our hearts and the bible says the in
Psalms 139 he knows every word before I even utter it.
So if one is praying prayers that are printed in his or her heart he becomes the
PRAYER. The bible says that Enoch walked with God until he was no more; that
means Enoch walked with God until people ended up not seeing him but God. If
prayer would be made from our hearts we can become the prayer than being
prayers because what is in your heart is the real you.
By: (Qhawe Emmett Tshangela)

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